New Jersey Special Investigators Association, Inc.

 Meeting Information

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The NJSIA holds General Membership meetings three (3) times each year. 

General Membership meetings are provided for ALL NJSIA Members to attend.

Most meetings are preceded by a coffee hour, which begins at 9:00 a.m.
The coffee hour provides an excellent opportunity to meet with colleagues, make new contacts and catch up with old friends.
General membership meetings begin at 10 a.m.

After conducting Association business, the NJSIA presents an informative speaker at each meeting who makes a presentation on a subject of interest to our members. This presentation is followed by a question and answer period, and then by lunch at noon. The meetings conclude after lunch. 

The schedule of general membership meetings is listed under EVENTS.  

Locations of meetings and directions, if not listed, will be posted approximately one week before the meeting dates.


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Copyright (C) 2000-2024 NJSIA : New Jersey Special Investigators Association. All rights reserved.
New Jersey Special Investigators Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
NJSIA P.O. Box 58, Waretown, NJ 08758
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